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How to force Phing task to respect verbose exec command?

In other words how to display output of currently executed phing task?

<target name="backup_db">
    <mkdir dir="${dir.sql}"/>
    <exec command="mysqldump -v -h ${} -u ${db.username} -p${db.password} ${} > ${dir.sql}/${dump.basename}"/>

This pulls a database dump, as you see I specified -v flag to get verbose output. Command runs successfully however with no output during the dump.

Foo > backup_db:


Total time: 1 minute 40.81 seconds

The same command called directly in terminal will list each table one by one that's currently being dumped. How to achieve that in phing?


  • Adding passthru="true" to the exec solved the problem. Now I get the output in real time.