The notation for std::function is quite nice when compared to function pointers. However, other than that, I can't find a use case where it couldn't be replaced by pointers. So is it just syntactic sugar for function pointers?
gives you the possibility of encapsulating any type of callable object, which is something function pointers cannot do (although it is true that non-capturing lambdas can be converted to function pointers).
To give you an idea of the kind of flexibility it allows you to achieve:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// A functor... (could even have state!)
struct X
void operator () () { std::cout << "Functor!" << std::endl; }
// A regular function...
void bar()
std::cout << "Function" << std::endl;
// A regular function with one argument that will be bound...
void foo(int x)
std::cout << "Bound Function " << x << "!" << std::endl;
int main()
// Heterogenous collection of callable objects
std::vector<std::function<void()>> functions;
// Fill in the container...
functions.push_back(std::bind(foo, 42));
// And a add a lambda defined in-place as well...
functions.push_back([] () { std::cout << "Lambda!" << std::endl; });
// Now call them all!
for (auto& f : functions)
f(); // Same interface for all kinds of callable object...
As usual, see a live example here. Among other things, this allows you to realize the Command Pattern.