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Is there something similar to std::function before C++11?

What construct should be used as surrogate for std::function<> when C++11 is not available ?
The alternative should basically allow to access private member functions of one class from another class like in the example below (other features of std::function are not used). Class Foo is fixed and can not be changed much, I have only access to class Bar.

class Foo {
  friend class Bar; // added by me, rest of the class is fixed

  void doStuffFooA(int i);
  void doStuffFooB(int i);

class Bar {

  Bar( Foo foo, std::function< void (const Foo&, int) > func ) {
    myFoo = foo;
    myFooFunc = func;


  doStuffBar( const &Foo foo ) {
    myFooFunc( foo, 3 );

  Foo myFoo;
  std::function< void (const Foo&, int) > myFooFunc;

int main() {

  Foo foo(...);

  Bar barA( foo, &Foo::doStuffFooA );

  Bar barB( foo, &Foo::doStuffFooB );


  • Is there something similar to std::function before C++11?

    Yes. There is Boost.Function (boost::function<>), which lately became part of the C++ Standard Library and provided a reference implementation for std::function<> ; similarly, Boost.Bind (boost::bind<>()) was adopted by the Standard and became std::bind<>().

    It implements a technique called type erasure for holding callable objects of any type. Here is a possible, illustrative implementation of how such a class template could be defined from scratch (do not use in production code, this is just an example):

    #include <memory>
    template<typename T>
    struct fxn { };
    template<typename R, typename... Args>
    struct fxn<R(Args...)>
        template<typename F>
        fxn(F&& f) 
            _holder(new holder<typename std::decay<F>::type>(std::forward<F>(f)))
        { }
        R operator () (Args&&... args)
        { _holder->call(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
        struct holder_base
        { virtual R call(Args&&... args) = 0; };
        template<typename F>
        struct holder : holder_base
            holder(F&& f) : _f(std::forward<F>(f)) { }
            R call(Args&&... args) { return _f(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
            F _f;
        std::unique_ptr<holder_base> _holder;
    #include <iostream>
    int main()
        fxn<void()> f = [] { std::cout << "hello"; };