Search code examples

Flex PureMVC: Can proxy keep reference of a View component in following case?

I am learning pureMVC and trying to implement the framework into one of my application. I have follwing case:

My main application has Canvas which is used to add different kind of custom components. One of the custom component is a "Search Component" (multiple instances are created on page). My search component has a textfiled and a search button and initiate search in following steps:

1-Clicking search button dispatches a custom event, that custom event keeps reference of search component as a property.

2-My AppMediator listens the custom event and get the reference of current search component along with search text.

3-Mediator send a notification (sentNotification(AppConstants.SEARCH_CLICKED, component)).

4-I have registered a command with SEARCH_CLICKED notification.

5-Command retrieve a WebserviceProxy and invokes its Search(text) method.

6-WebserviceProxy talks to remote webservice and uses asyncToken to get results.

My Questions is: My Command has the reference to the custom search component when it start search but search webservice takes some time and get the result. How can i handle the results back to custom search component that initiated the search. Since i have multiple instances of search component. What is the best place to keep the reference of that component, should i add a variables in WebserviceProxy to keep that reference and hand the results over to it, or i have to create a Global Proxy to keep references of such components?



  • Based on Anton's answer, i re-think and tried to separate dependencis. As a result, i tried to mediate each instance of Search Widget with "SearchMediator" separately by providing different ID to the constructor of Mediator. Now, when search widget intiates a new search, it's mediator invokes the Command, Command invokes a method of Proxy to do actual search and fetch results from DB and sends a Notification. SearchMediator takes care about that notification and hands over the results to appropriate UI.