I'm developing a simple JIT Assembly system in C++, but, I whant to call C functions in this jit system, so, what I have thinked... I need the pointer of the command... but, I don't know how I can get this...
That is my code
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <windows.h>
int Execute(std::vector<unsigned char> code)
int eaxRegister;
unsigned char* func = (unsigned char*)VirtualAlloc( 0, code.size() + 1, 0x1000, 0x40 );
memcpy( func, code.data(), code.size() );
func[code.size()] = 0xC3; // add the ret to the final of code final
CallWindowProc( (WNDPROC)func, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
_asm mov eaxRegister, eax;
VirtualFree( func, code.size() + 1, 0x4000 );
return eaxRegister;
int main()
std::vector<unsigned char> code;
//mov eax, 10
code.push_back( 0xc7 );
code.push_back( 0xc0 );
code.push_back( 0xa );
code.push_back( 0x0 );
code.push_back( 0x0 );
code.push_back( 0x0 );
//mov ecx, 10
code.push_back( 0xc7 );
code.push_back( 0xc1 );
code.push_back( 0xa );
code.push_back( 0x0 );
code.push_back( 0x0 );
code.push_back( 0x0 );
//add eax, ecx
code.push_back( 0x3 );
code.push_back( 0xc1 );
// push MESSAGE
const char* ohi = "HI";
code.push_back( 0x69 );
code.push_back( *ohi );
// call prinf ?????
code.push_back( 0xe8 );
code.push_back( 0xfff/* offset of printf */ ) ;
// add esp, 4
code.push_back( 0x83 );
code.push_back( 0xc4 );
code.push_back( 0x04 );
code.push_back( 0x0 );
code.push_back( 0x0 );
code.push_back( 0x0 );
int exec = Execute( code );
printf("SUM = %d", exec);
return 0;
So, my problem is, how I can get the offset of printf command to use in JIT, or, how I can use the C function using the JIT ???
Thanks Alexandre
I have solved the questio, I passed to use the reinterpret_cast
here my solution:
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
class Buffer: public vector<unsigned char>
void push_dword(DWORD dw)
push_back(dw >> 8);
push_back(dw >> 16);
push_back(dw >> 24);
void push_ptr(const void *p)
int Execute()
char *func = reinterpret_cast<char *>(VirtualAlloc(
memcpy( func, data(), size() );
func[size()] = 0xC3; // add the ret to the final of code final
int ret = (*reinterpret_cast<int(*)()>(func))();
VirtualFree( func, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
return ret;
int main()
Buffer code;
// push MESSAGE
const char* ohi = "HI\n";
code.push_back( 0x68 );
code.push_ptr( ohi );
// mov eax, printf
code.push_back( 0xb8 );
code.push_ptr( reinterpret_cast<void *>(&printf) );
// call eax
code.push_back( 0xff );
code.push_back( 0xd0 );
// add esp, 4
code.push_back( 0x83 );
code.push_back( 0xc4 );
code.push_back( 0x04 );
int exec = code.Execute();
printf("SUM = %d\n", exec);
return 0;