I have simple UI class and I need to send UI element instance to callbacks for each element, so I can (much like in javascript) manipulate element which called the callback.
This requires to send instance of this
to the function registered as callback. How do I do that?
Current state:
class Opencv_Button {
bool (*callback)(void*); //Callback WITHOUT the current button isntance
//bool(*callback)(Opencv_Button, void*); //this is CALLBACK I WANT instead
void* callback_param; //parameter set by user
bool state;
bool mouse(int, int, int);
Opencv_Button(int, int, int, int);
void setCallback(bool(*)(void*), void*);
//void setCallback(bool(*)(Opencv_Button, void*), void*); //This is what I WANT TO USE
void draw(Mat*, bool);
void val(const char*);
char value[30];
Now, there is the function that calls the callback:
bool Opencv_Button::mouse(int mx, int my, int button)
if(/*click conditions satisfied*/)
/*Instead I WANT:*/
//callback(*this/*some THIS instance*/, callback_param);
return true;
return false;
So, I can do something like this in callback:
bool buttonCallback(Opencv_Button*but, void*param) {
but->val("I was clicked!!!");
You're pretty close. The quick fix is to make sure your callback takes a pointer and you pass this
bool (*callback)(Opencv_Button*, void*);
void setCallback(bool(*)(Opencv_Button*, void*), void*);
And call with:
callback(this, callback_param);
However, you'd likely be better off using references. You can have your function take a reference to Opencv_Button
bool (*callback)(Opencv_Button&, void*);
void setCallback(bool(*)(Opencv_Button&, void*), void*);
Then call it with:
callback(*this, callback_param);
And your buttonCallback
will look like this:
bool buttonCallback(Opencv_Button& but, void* param) {
but.val("I was clicked!!!");