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calculating bit flag intersection for congruency

Technical circumstances:

Given is an int column in SQL Server 2008 R2 for saving decimal-“encoded” bit flags (ranging from 20 to 230, thus having 31 available flags with the maximum being 1073741824). This column may comprise the entire range of allocatable integer combinations, all to categorize a single object.

Problem to be solved:

From a finite quantity of decimal “bit integers”, we have to find a single number that represents some sort of intersection of all those flags – like when you have 3,10,524290, it’s obvious that 2 should be set in the result, while the other bits (1,8,524288) are disputable. This is a very basic example. This could be a real set of input data (first two columns only):

Occurences | Decimal bit field | Binary representation
     7     |   268435460       | 10000000000000000000000000100
     5     |   268435488       | 10000000000000000000000100000
     5     |         128       | 00000000000000000000010000000
     4     |          32       | 00000000000000000000000100000
     3     |           4       | 00000000000000000000000000100
     3     |   268435492       | 10000000000000000000000100100
     2     |          36       | 00000000000000000000000100100
     2     |         132       | 00000000000000000000010000100
     1     |         160       | 00000000000000000000010100000
   Occurences of particular bit: 3--------------------3-6--6--
     Desired output possibility: 10000000000000000000000100100

Solution so far:

… implemented in Transact-SQL:

  1. Gather all the integers to be evaluated and concatenate them into a comma-separated string.
  2. Reducing the string, taking out the first number, looping through:
  3. Checking testee against maximum value (&-AND) and dividing the maximum by 2 (while >=1).

… so far? ó.Ò

Now I have an output of binary representatives for the bits set. I consider saving those bits into a 31-column temporary table to go one with evaluation. But then I came to think: Isn’t there a more clever way to do this? SQL Server is super-fast, even when disassembling 10000 generated integers. But perhaps there’s a built-in function for calculating the “distance” between two binary bit flags.

I admit it’s an elaborate problem, but I really do see the light at the end of the tunnel, even when it needs to be done the circumstantial way. It’ll get even more complex, since a weighting should also be applied later on, so that 2× ¬00010000 @ 100% significance >00010000 @ 40% significance. But I’ll try to deal with this when I have a summary generated and available ;-)


  • You can use bitwise and for your operations

    declare @i int
    declare @x int
    declare @cnt int
    select @i=2147483647  -- 1111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
    declare @t table (a int)
    insert into @t values( 3),(10),(524290);
    Select @i= (@i & a) from @t 
    -- just for fun an output
    set @x=1
    set @cnt=0
    While @cnt<31
      Print Case when @x & @i <> 0 then 'X' else ' ' end  +' ' + Cast(@x as Varchar(12))   
      Set @cnt=@cnt + 1
      if @cnt<31  Set @x=@x*2

    or with a nicer output

    declare @i int
    declare @x int
    declare @cnt int
    select @i=2147483647  -- 1111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
    Declare  @ref table(ref int) 
    set @x=1
    set @cnt=0
    While @cnt<31
      insert into @ref Values(@x)
      Set @cnt=@cnt + 1
      if @cnt<31  Set @x=@x*2
    declare @t table (a int)
    insert into @t values( 3),(10),(524290);
    Select @i= (@i & a) from @t 
    Select * from @ref where ref&@i<>0 

    as answer to your comment

    declare @i int
    declare @x int
    declare @cnt int
    select @i=2147483647  -- 1111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
    Declare  @ref table(ref int) 
    set @x=1
    set @cnt=0
    While @cnt<31
      insert into @ref Values(@x)
      Set @cnt=@cnt + 1
      if @cnt<31  Set @x=@x*2
    declare @t table (a int)
    insert into @t values( 3),(5),(9),(17),(33),(65),(128);
    Select @i= (@i & a) from @t 
    Select a,Count(*) as BitCount
    from @ref r
    join @t t on t.a & r.ref<>0
    group by a
    Select ref,Count(*) as OCC from @ref r
    join @t t on t.a & r.ref<>0
    group by ref
    Select ref,(Select count(*) from @t where a & r.ref<>0) as OCC
    from @ref r