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How do I get the value of a failed request in Dispatch?

When I make a request in Dispatch, I apply the Promise and get this:

Left(dispatch.StatusCode: Unexpected response status: 400)

How do I get the actual text of the response? I'm using Solr and it still returns valuable JSON with failed HTTP requests.


  • It looks like you've written something like the following:

    Http(url OK as.String)

    The OK is what's providing the simple error handling you see here. You can use > to get the results more directly. For example, if you write this:

    Http(url("") OK as.String).either()

    You'll get the following (at the moment, at least):

    Left(dispatch.StatusCode: Unexpected response status: 301)

    But if you make the following small change:

    Http(url("") > as.String).either()

    You get the full body of the redirect page:

    res1: Either[Throwable,String] = 
    Right(<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" ...

    If you want to do something fancier with the response, you can write your own asWhatever handler—see my answer here for a demonstration of how to get access to the headers as a map, for example.