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HTML::FormHandler subclass fields

I'm using HTML::FormHandler, and as to not repeat code I'd like to take advantage of its subclassing features. Currently I have two forms:


myapp::Form::Account::Register inherits from myapp::Form::Account::Base. myapp::Form::Account::Base Has an email field, that is defined like this:

has_field 'email' => (
    label            => 'Email',
    type             => 'Text',
    apply            => [ Email ],
    element_class    => [qw/email/],
    required         => 1,
    unique           => 1,
    element_attr => {autocomplete=>"off"}, #for register page

In myapp::Form::Account::Register, I'd like to have the exact same defined email field, but I would like to add the class "uniqueemail" to it. However, whenever I do this:

has_field 'email' => (
    element_class    => [qw/uniqueemail/],

in myapp::Form::Account::Register, It just completely overwrites the parent form's definition of the email field, and makes a new one. Is there anyway to just subclass the parent's form field or add to it, or do I just have to redefine the email field again in order to get the changes I want? Thanks!


  • You can provide a field definition that overrides the parent definition by using a '+' before the field name:

    has_field '+email' => (
        element_class    => [qw/uniqueemail/],