When creating scripts for Synopsys PrimeTime, the tutorials I have found execute the scripts by loading the tool (pt_shell) then sourcing the script.
To run script:
source power.scr
Example Script:
set power_enable_analysis TRUE
set target_library "/home/syedh/iit_stdcells/lib/tsmc018/lib/iit018_stdcells.db"
set link_library "/home/syedh/iit_stdcells/lib/tsmc018/lib/iit018_stdcells.db *"
read_db $target_library
read_verilog top_syn.v
current_design top
read_vcd dmp_top.vcd -strip_path tb_top/uut
create_power_waveforms –output vcd
How do I make a executable script that will launch PrimeTime (pt_shell) and then run the commands?
Examples came from here.
pt_shell -h
shows the -file
option which may do what you need:
pt_shell -file power.scr