I have an MFC application that spawns a number of different worker threads and is compiled with VS2003.
When calling CTreeCtrl::GetItemState() I'm occasionally getting a debug assertion dialog popup. I'm assuming that this is because I've passed in a handle to an invalid item but this isn't my immediate concern.
My concern is: From my logs, it looks as though the MFC thread continues to service a number of windows messages whilst the assert dialog is being displayed. I thought the assert dialog was modal so I was wondering if this was even possible?
The message box that shows the assertion failure has a message pump for its own purposes. But it'll dispatch all messages that come in, not just those for the message box (otherwise things could get blocked).
With a normal modal dialog, this isn't a problem because the parent window is typically disabled for the duration of the dialog.
The code that launches the assertion dialog must've failed to figure out the parent window, and thus it wasn't disabled. This can happen if your main window isn't the active window at the time of the assertion. Other things can go wrong as well.
You can change how Visual Studio's C run-time library reports assertion failures with _CrtSetReportMode. You can make it stop in the debugger and/or log to the output window instead of trying to show the dialog.