I have a CPLD with a digital input representing a reset button. When the reset button is pressed, the signal goes high. What I need to do is have a register whose value tells if the button has ever been pressed. Basically a latch. When the button goes high, a latch register goes high and stays high forever.
I thought this would be straightforward, but I got a bunch of warnings when I tried to code it up. A little Googling showed "Don't make latches in HDL! Bad practice!", but I don't really see the alternative here.
Here's my attempt. clk_10m is a fast free-running clock, pwr_off_req is the button input.
reg pwr_off_req_latched = 0;
always @ (clk_10m or pwr_off_req) begin
if (pwr_off_req == 1'b1)
pwr_off_req_latched <= 1'b1;
pwr_off_req_latched <= pwr_off_req_latched;
// I tried this to make sure it's always set to something
Can you assume that the pulse length of the button press is much longer than the clock frequency of your device? If it's a physical button I think that is a very safe assumption. In that case I think this would work perfectly fine:
always @(clk_10m)
pwr_off_req_latched <= power_off_req_latched | power_off_req;