I was looking at this Fusion Tables API page on how to update a Fusion Table's style settings via the Fusion Tables API.
Apparently, you must make a PUT request in order to update the Fusion Table's style.
I was wondering: How do I do that in Ruby or JavaScript? And is it possible to do it in other popular languages (e.g., pHp, Python)?
In Python you can easily perform a PUT HTTP request using the Requests module.
import requests
key = u'your_api_key'
url = u'https://www.googleapis.com/fusiontables/v1/tables/tableId/styles/styleId?key=%s' % key
body = dict()
body[u'markerOptions.iconName'] = u'geographic_features'
# put other settings here
r = request.put(url, data=body)
Requests documentation can be found here : http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/