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edit the address in account dashboard in magento

can anyone tell me how you edit this section of magento I'm trying to alter the prefix's T: and F: in the telephone and fax lines.

enter image description here

address.phtml calls <?php echo $this->getPrimaryBillingAddressHtml() ?>

which is a method:

public function getPrimaryBillingAddressHtml()
    $address = $this->getCustomer()->getPrimaryBillingAddress();

    if ($address instanceof Varien_Object) {
        return $address->format('html');
    } else {
        return Mage::helper('customer')->__('You have not set a default billing address.');

in class Mage_Customer_Block_Account_Dashboard_Address

Then I run out of ideas....I can't workout what is printing this and how to alter it....?


  • in the admin: system > config > (customers) customer configuration > address templates you'll find all the templates for the address. In your particular case, you want to edit the HTML one