I'm coding a simple shift register using if else block. I noticed that the else block works as it should when the control signal is control = 2'b00
(meaning it retains the default vale) but when I give the control value control = 2'b11
it starts shifting to the right, which is not what I want.
Why does the else block work selectively? Even when both control = 2'b00
and control = 2'b11
fall in the else case?
Code and screenshot below:
module shift(
input clock,
input reset,
input [1:0] control,
input in,
output [7:0] out
reg [7:0] r_reg, r_next; //a 7 bit shift register which will be output as is, this can be changed to any size
always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset)
r_reg <= 0;
r_reg <= r_next;
always @ (*)
if(control[0]) //shift right
r_next = {in, r_reg[7:1]};
else if(control[1]) //shift left
r_next = {r_reg[6:0], in};
r_next = r_reg; //default state stays the same
assign out = r_reg;
if(right) //shift right
r_next = {in, r_reg[7:1]};
else if(left) //shift left
r_next = {r_reg[6:0], in};
else if((~right & ~left) || (right & left))
r_next = r_reg; //default state stays the same
The above did not work either.. But I fixed it with case.
2'b01: r_next = {in, r_reg[7:1]};
2'b10: r_next = {r_reg[6:0], in};
default: r_next = r_reg;
Very simple: It doesn't fall in the else case at all.
Your first condition looks only at the low bit (matches b'd1), therefore both b'01 and b'11 shift right.