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Paging vs. cursoring with max_id in TweetSharps ListTweetsOnSpecifiedUserTimeline

In their 'Working with Timelines' document at Twitter recommend cursoring using the max_id parameter in preference to attempting to step through a timeline page by page. Looking at the documentation for the Twitter API method GET statuses/user_timeline there is an optional max_id parameter, no page parameter, and other useful parameters like include_rts to include retweets. But the overloads for the TweetSharp method ListTweetsOnSpecifiedUserTimeline only include page and not max_id. Is it possible to retrieve a specified users timeline using the cursoring method (rather than paging) using TweetSharp and if so how?


  • Found it. It's included in TweetSharp as a separate method: IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> ListTweetsOnSpecifiedUserTimelineBefore(string screenName, long maxId);