I'm trying to get tweets in a specific location. I'm using TweetSharp for that. I tried the following code:
// Pass your credentials to the service
TwitterService service = new TwitterService("xx", "xx");
// Step 4 - User authenticates using the Access Token
service.AuthenticateWith("xx-xx", "xx");
TwitterGeoLocationSearch geoSearch = new TwitterGeoLocationSearch(39.56, 32.52, 500, TwitterGeoLocationSearch.RadiusType.Km);
//IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> mentions = service.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions());
var tweets = service.Search(new SearchOptions() { Q = "ankara", Count = 30, Geocode = geoSearch });
But tweets.Statuses returns empty. If I remove Geocode part from SearchOptions I can get results. But I want to get tweets in a specific location radius.
I manage to do it with Twitterizer library:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var tokens = new Twitterizer.OAuthTokens
ConsumerKey = @"",
ConsumerSecret = @"",
AccessToken = @"-",
AccessTokenSecret = @""
var response = Twitterizer.TwitterSearch.Search(tokens, " ",
new Twitterizer.SearchOptions
Count = 5,
GeoCode = "39.920687,32.853970,50km"
if (response.Result != Twitterizer.RequestResult.Success)
var index = 0;
foreach (var status in response.ResponseObject)