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Tweetsharp - Oauthaccestoken overflowexception

I've been stuck for a while on the following problem when I debug the following code:

        TwitterService service = new TwitterService("_consumerkey", "_consumersecret");

        OAuthRequestToken requestToken = service.GetRequestToken();

        Uri uri = service.GetAuthorizationUri(requestToken);

        Console.Write("Verificatiecode? ");
        string verifier = Console.ReadLine();
        OAuthAccessToken access = service.GetAccessToken(requestToken, verifier);

        service.AuthenticateWith(access.Token, access.TokenSecret);

        TwitterUser twitterUser = service.GetUserProfile(new GetUserProfileOptions());

        ListFriendsOptions friends_options = new ListFriendsOptions();
        friends_options.UserId = twitterUser.Id;
        friends_options.Cursor = -1;

        var friends = service.ListFriends(friends_options);

            if (friends_options.Cursor != null)
                foreach (var friend in friends) {Console.WriteLine(friend.ScreenName);}
                friends_options.Cursor = friends.NextCursor;

        } while (friends_options.Cursor != null);


I always get an overflow exception after filling in the verification code here:

        OAuthAccessToken access = service.GetAccessToken(requestToken, verifier);

Anyone who can help me?

Thanks in advance


  • Looking at the source, it seems like the problem is when it tries to return the results inside GetAccessToken:

     return new OAuthAccessToken()
        Token = nameValueCollection["oauth_token"] ?? "?",
        TokenSecret = nameValueCollection["oauth_token_secret"] ?? "?",
        //this is the only place a conversion to int is occurring that I've found
        UserId = Convert.ToInt32(nameValueCollection["user_id"] ?? "0"),
        ScreenName = nameValueCollection["screen_name"] ?? "?"

    Looking on Github, it seems this update might solve the problem.