I've been stuck for a while on the following problem when I debug the following code:
TwitterService service = new TwitterService("_consumerkey", "_consumersecret");
OAuthRequestToken requestToken = service.GetRequestToken();
Uri uri = service.GetAuthorizationUri(requestToken);
Console.Write("Verificatiecode? ");
string verifier = Console.ReadLine();
OAuthAccessToken access = service.GetAccessToken(requestToken, verifier);
service.AuthenticateWith(access.Token, access.TokenSecret);
TwitterUser twitterUser = service.GetUserProfile(new GetUserProfileOptions());
ListFriendsOptions friends_options = new ListFriendsOptions();
friends_options.UserId = twitterUser.Id;
friends_options.Cursor = -1;
var friends = service.ListFriends(friends_options);
if (friends_options.Cursor != null)
foreach (var friend in friends) {Console.WriteLine(friend.ScreenName);}
friends_options.Cursor = friends.NextCursor;
} while (friends_options.Cursor != null);
I always get an overflow exception after filling in the verification code here:
OAuthAccessToken access = service.GetAccessToken(requestToken, verifier);
Anyone who can help me?
Thanks in advance
Looking at the source, it seems like the problem is when it tries to return the results inside GetAccessToken
return new OAuthAccessToken()
Token = nameValueCollection["oauth_token"] ?? "?",
TokenSecret = nameValueCollection["oauth_token_secret"] ?? "?",
//this is the only place a conversion to int is occurring that I've found
UserId = Convert.ToInt32(nameValueCollection["user_id"] ?? "0"),
ScreenName = nameValueCollection["screen_name"] ?? "?"
Looking on Github, it seems this update might solve the problem.