I created a module that accepts a wire [ 4 : 0 ]
as input, and I'm using several instances of this module. But, I'm getting:
Syntax error in instance port expression(s)
whenever I pass a value that contains A-F.
For example:
key_schedule i1(09); // works
key_schedule i1(0A); // doesn't work
key_schedule i1(15); // works
key_schedule i1(1D); // doesn't work
If anyone knows what's wrong, I'd appreciate their help.
Verilog treats all bare numeric literals as decimal. A
and D
are not legal decimal values.
For hexadecimal literals, you need to specify the literal type using 'h
key_schedule i1('h0A); // works
key_schedule i1('h1D); // works
Refer to the IEEE Std (1800-2009, for example), section "Numbers".
The following code compiles for me without errors on 2 different simulators (Incisive and VCS):
module tb;
key_schedule i1(5'h1A);
key_schedule i2('h1A);
module key_schedule (input [4:0] in);
always @(in) $display(in);