I need to filter out junk data in SQL (SQL Server 2008) table. I need to identify these records, and pull them out.
{No blanks allowed}
Basically, a clean record will look like this:
Junk data looks like this:
Can someone please assist with a SQL query to do a LEFT and RIGHT method and extract those characters, and do a LIKE IN or something?
A function would be great though!
The following should work in a few different systems:
FROM TheTable
WHERE Data LIKE '[A-Za-z][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'
AND Data NOT LIKE '% %'
This approach will indeed match P2343, P23423JUNK, and other similar text but requires that the format is A0000*.
Now, if the OP implies a format of 1st position is a character and all succeeding positions are numeric, as in A0+, then use the following (in SQL Server and a good deal of other database systems):
FROM TheTable
WHERE SUBSTRING(Data, 1, 1) LIKE '[A-Za-z]'
AND SUBSTRING(Data, 2, LEN(Data) - 1) NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%'
AND LEN(Data) >= 5
To incorporate this into a SQL Server 2008 function, since this appears to be what you'd like most, you can write:
CREATE FUNCTION ufn_IsProperFormat(@data VARCHAR(50))
WHEN SUBSTRING(@Data, 1, 1) LIKE '[A-Za-z]'
AND SUBSTRING(@Data, 2, LEN(@Data) - 1) NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%'
AND LEN(@Data) >= 5 THEN 1
...and call into it like so:
FROM TheTable
WHERE dbo.ufn_IsProperFormat(Data) = 1
...this query needs to change for Oracle queries because Oracle doesn't appear to support bracket notation in LIKE clauses:
FROM TheTable
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(Data, '^[A-za-z]\d{4,}$')
This is the expansion gbn is doing in his answer, but these versions allow for varying string lengths without the OR conditions.
EDIT: Updated to support examples in SQL Server and Oracle for ensuring the format A0+, so that A1324, A2342388, and P2342 match but A2342JUNK and A234 do not.
The Oracle REGEXP_LIKE code was borrowed from Mark's post but updated to support 4 or more numeric digits.
Added a custom SQL Server 2008 approach which implements these techniques.