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Split string on pipes which are not between square braces

I have this string:


I want to split it like this:

    [0] => EXAMPLE
    [1] => abcd
    [2] => [!PAGE|title]

How to do it?


  • DEMO

    If you don't need anything more than you said, is like parsing a CSV but with | as separator and [ as " so: (\[.*?\]+|[^\|]+)(?=\||$) will do the work I think.

    EDIT: Changed the regex, now it accepts strings like [asdf]].[]asf]


    1. (\[.*?\]+|[^\|]+) -> This one is divided in 2 parts: (will match 1.1 or 1.2)
      1.1 \[.*?\]+ -> Match everything between [ and ]
      1.2 [^\|]+ -> Will match everything that is enclosed by |
    2. (?=\||$) -> This will tell the regular expression that next to that must be a | or the end of the string so that will tell the regex to accept strings like the earlier example.