I'm developing a wp7 game where the player draws lines in the program and a ball bounces off of them. I'm using XNA and farseer physics. What is the best method for a user to draw a line, and then for the program to take it and turn it in to a physics object, or at least a list of vector2s? I've tried creating a list of TouchLocations, but it ends up spotty if the user does not draw very slow, like the picture I've attached. Any suggestions? Thanks http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/3985/capturehbn.png
Here's some code: I'm using the gamestatemanagement sample, and this is in the HandleInput method
foreach (TouchLocation t in input.TouchState) {
pathManager.Update(gameTime, t.Position);
The pathManager class manages a collection of path classes, which are drawable physics objects. Here is pathManager.Update
public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Vector2 touchPosition) {
paths.Add(new Path(world,texture, new Vector2(5,5) ,0.1f));
paths[paths.Count-1].Position = touchPosition;
This is just what I'm doing now and I'm willing to throw it out for anything. You'd think that having a 5x5 rectangle for each touch location would kill the performance, but using farseer I didn't see any drops, even with a mostly full screen. However, this system doesn't create a smooth line at all if the line is drawn fast.
I doubt this helps any, but here is the Path constructor.
public Path(World world, Texture2D texture, Vector2 size, float mass) {
this.Size = size;
this.texture = texture;
body = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, size.X * pixelToUnit, size.Y * pixelToUnit, 1);
body.BodyType = BodyType.Static;
body.Restitution = 1f;
body.Friction = 0;
body.Friction = 10;
How do I draw lines using XNA?
the best way to draw primitives is to use the basiceffect shader. this will be accelerated by the hardware. you can also add a texture to it if you'd like.
i'm not sure if its the same on WP7 but this works for Windows7 at least.