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Hosting executable on github

I want allow users to download executable of one of my project on github, without downloading all sources or browsing the entire project.

According to this similar question, you could use a upload/download service, which apparently, github has shut down.

So is there another way? Is github aiming at sharing code only, not software?


  • You can create another repository to host all your builds , I mean executable files . With in that repository don't add any of your code other than your builds ,

    As a result of this , people can click on download Zip button at git hub , which downloads only executable ( as a zip file ).

    while building you can copy the executable file in a folder just push to remote repository which is hosting only builds .

    Hope this helps .

    basically , GIT is just an SCM ( source code management system ) it is not meant for this purpose .

    but still this how you can utilize the service of amd git .

    hope this helps .

    EDIT : -

    Git hub now has a solution for hosting releases it has been well explained by @VonC in the post below . Please use that as a solution.