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Git pushes old commit in different branch to new branch

I've been struggling with GIT for a while now since it does some weird things.

I have a base commit with the initial code.

Ok next I make a branch do my edits and commit and push:

git checkout -b feature/feature1
git commit -m "added feature1"
git push origin feature/feature1

Now I do a pull request on that feature.

After that I change branch and update for example:

git checkout -b chore/update-framework
git commit -m "updated framework"
git push origin chore/update-framework

At this point when I try a pull request on the 2nd push, it contains the first commit with all the feature stuff in it. So all the changed files from that commit are in the new pull request, while the old pull request only contains the feature files.

What am I doing wrong?


  • When you did:

    git checkout -b chore/update-framework

    You did not checkout on master before.

    To start a new branch from the commit you want (example with master):

    git checkout -b chore/update-framework master


    git checkout master
    git checkout -b chore/update-framework


    git branch chore/update-framework master
    git checkout chore/update-framework

    To correct your mistake, you can do:

    git rebase --onto master feature/feature1 chore/update-framework

    Git will pick all your commits of chore/update-framework which are not pointed by feature/feature1, then it will put them onto master and finally update your chore/update-framework branch.