This is a description item I get from the rss feed:
<description><![CDATA[ <img src="" alt=""/>
Na sedeĹžu Evropske nogometne zveze v Nyonu so izĹžrebali pare osmine finala Lige prvakov. BrĹžkone bo najbolj vroÄe v Madridu, kjer se bo zasedba Reala uvodoma udarila z Manchester Unitedom, povratni dvoboj pa bosta velikana evropskega nogometa odigrala v Manchestru.]]></description>
It contains this CDATA tag which cannot be parsed with xml parser. if I
echo $test->description;
I see the img in the browser, but I cannot access the src in the script. Any idea how to do it??
You can not access XML inside CDATA section as XML.
You need to parse it with regular expression to fetch the src
Or open it as another XML.
Tested & works:
$h = '<img src="" alt=""/>';
preg_match("/http:\/\/(.*?)[^\"']+/", $h, $matches);
string(60) ""