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How to check multiplicity in Django template

does anybody know the answer? For instance, I have a div container and several items in it:

<div class="row">
  {% for item in filtered %}
    <img src="..."/>
    <img src="..."/>
    <img src="..."/>
  {% endfor %}

In the above code I need to have only 3 images, so for the next images in a loop it should create new DIV, like this:

<div class="row">
    <img src="..."/>
    <img src="..."/>
    <img src="..."/>
<div class="row">
    <img src="..."/>
    <img src="..."/>
    <img src="..."/>

The issue is: I have iterating images and also should have iterating div.row, because I need only 3 images per div. I was looking for an answer everywhere, but no luck. So basically I need to check multiplicity in {{ forloop.counter }} I think. Any ideas?


  • The divisible by filter could be helpful or the cycle filter