I have a texture and the rectangle.
I want repeat the texture on that rectangle. But only a part of it.
Let say I want to use texture coordinates from 0.25
to 0.75
on X and Y and repeat it 2 times.
If I set the coords of the rectangle's vertexes to:
(0.25, 0.25)
(0.25, 0.75 * 2)
(0.75 * 2, 0.25)
(0.75 * 2, 0.75 * 2)
That will not repeat texture from 0.25
to 0.75
two times, but will produce texture from 0.25
to 1.0
and from 1.0
to 0.25
, which is different.
How to achieve my goal, not changing the texture, using part of it and repeat only that part?
Note that I don't want to add more vertexes to the rectangle.
Its pretty easy to achieve with fragment shader:
float scale;
float offset;
sampler2D baseMap;
struct PS_INPUT
float2 Texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 ps_main( PS_INPUT Input ) : COLOR0
float2 tc = fmod(Input.Texcoord, scale) + float2(offset, offset);
return tex2D( baseMap, tc);
This shader is symmetrical so lookup window moves along diagonal. But you can apply own offset and scale to each texture coordinate component separately then window will move totally freely.