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How can we use an existing NewRelic account with our CloudBees apps?

If we have an existing NewRelic account, how can we direct our CloudBees apps to use that account rather than the on-the-fly account that's created by activating New Relic plugin on our CloudBees app configuration screen? This would enable us to utilize license pricing we've already paid for and allow us a central New Relic console screen for all our apps, whether they're running on CloudBees or elsewhere.


  • I have added a New Relic configuration file to my CloudBees app and inside that config file I specify the license key for my New Relic account and now all my CloudBees and non-CloudBees apps are available under my New Relic console. If you follow these instructions to update and deploy the newrelic.yml file and specify your own license key, you should immediately start seeing your app reporting on your existing New Relic console.