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Jenkins: Push to ECR from slave

I'm building a docker container with spotify's maven plugin and try to push to ecr afterwards.

This happens using cloudbees Build and Publish plugin after managing to login with the Amazon ECR plugin.

This works like a charm on the jenkins master. But on the slave I get:

no basic auth credentials

Build step 'Docker Build and Publish' marked build as failure

Is pushing from slaves out of scope for the ECR Plugin or did I miss something?


  • You might be falling foul of the bug reported in the ECR plugin here:

    Various people in that thread are describing slightly different symptoms, but the common theme is that docker was failing to use the auth details that had been correctly generated by the ECR plugin.

    I found in my case this was because the ECR plugin was saving to one docker config and the docker-commons plugin (which handles the actual work of the docker API) was reading from another. Docker changed config formats and locations in an earlier version which caused the conflict.

    The plugin author offers a workaround which is to essentially just nuke both config files first:

    node {
            //cleanup current user docker credentials
            sh 'rm  ~/.dockercfg || true'
            sh 'rm ~/.docker/config.json || true'
            //configure registry
            docker.withRegistry('', 'ecr:eu-west-1:86c8f5ec-1ce1-4e94-80c2-18e23bbd724a') {
                //build image
                def customImage ="my-image:${env.BUILD_ID}")
                //push image

    You might want to try that purely as a debugging step and quick fix (if it works you can be confident this bug is your issue).

    My permanent fix was to simply create the new style dockercfg manually with a sensible default, and then set the environment variable to point to it.

    I did this in my Dockerfile which creates my Jenkins instance like so:

    RUN mkdir -p $JENKINS_HOME/.docker/ && \
        echo '{"auths":{}}' > $JENKINS_HOME/.docker/config.json