I am new to the Cloudbees Enterprise of Jenkins and to the concept of "templates". I am trying to define a new template and this template will be used by 20-30 number of jobs. The job is a basic build job. After the build, I would like to have code analysis plugin. How can I define it in the Jenkins Template. I can define it while creating a direct job in "Post Build Actions" but not sure how to define the same in a template.
Do you have any solutions/ suggestions ?
Cloudbees templates plugin is very powerful but not easy to master. Creation and administration of templates is not as user-friendly as one wishes it to be. ;)
For an introduction I recommend reading the following resources:
Make sure you understand the difference between builder template and job template. I assume you want to create a number of jobs using the job template. Follow these steps:
. Simply copy&paste the XML code in the browser. Newer Jenkins versions also allow to read the jobs XML configuration via the user interface.${param_name}
All template-based jobs share the build steps defined by the job template. If you change the job template later on, all depending jobs are updated accordingly. This is a very efficient way to administrate a large number of similar jobs. It is very much worth the effort. Good luck!