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Powershell: Deduping an array

I have a pipe delimited flat file from which I need to deduplicate the entries based on an object, to be specific a part of file is:


The first field is ID and last field is a timestamp, I want to deduplicate the entries such that only the latest timestamp entry is kept for each ID. So, The output that I need should be:


I read the file and stored the entries in an array with distinct object names, then I tried

$inputdeduped = $inputfilearray | Sort-Object Date
$inputdeduped = $inputdeduped | Select-Object ID -Unique

hoping that once the date is sorted, get-unique cmdlet used as -unique here would either pick either the first or last of the duplicated entry in the sorted array so depending on that I would sort the date in either desc or asc order, however it doesn't and randomly picks one entry.

Please help me out guys or help me understand how the get-unique cmdlet works.


  • you can try this:

      $newInputdeduped =  $inputfilearray | sort id, date -ascending | group -Property id |
         select @{n="GroupedList"; e={ $ | select -first 1 }} |
         select -expa list 

    This is what I do with your example data after saving it as a txt file:

    > $a = Import-Csv -Header "id","n1","n2","v1","n3","n4","n5","date"  -Path .\c.txt -delimiter '|'
    > $a | ft -AutoSize
    id   n1 n2 v1 n3 n4        n5 date
    --   -- -- -- -- --        -- ----
    001A 1  *     A  504367667 1  2005-06-10-
    001A 1  *     A  504367667 1  2005-10-24-
    001A 1  *     A  504367667 1  2007-12-13-
    001A 1  *     A  504367667 1  2008-12-09-
    001B 1  *     B  800026800 1  2005-08-08-
    001C 1  *     C  490349139 1  2006-01-19-
    001C 1  *     C  490349139 1  2009-03-12-
    > $b = $a | sort id, date -ascending | group -Property id | select @{n="list";e={ $ | select -first 1  }} | select -expa list
        > $b | ft -AutoSize
    id   n1 n2 v1 n3 n4        n5 date
    --   -- -- -- -- --        -- ----
    001C 1  *     C  490349139 1  2009-03-12-
    001B 1  *     B  800026800 1  2005-08-08-
    001A 1  *     A  504367667 1  2008-12-09-