I need to create a spreadsheet that randomly draws a winner that has correctly answered all questions.
I've added a Column 'Correct' which verifies the answer was properly answered. It returns QuestionID if correct and 'Incorrect' if FALSE.
I have another table with the answers to verify the database results.
I need to get all PersonID that have properly answered all the questions. If they incorrectly answer a question they are disqualified. Also if they failed to answer a question they are disqualified.
I tried to follow the layout of visible in the sheet image and compiled my own sheet: http://www.bumpclub.ee/~jyri_r/Excel/Answers_to_quiz_correct_wrong.xls Blocks with additions are marked with light green, error situations with yellow.
Defined C1:C200 as PersonList.
All formulae are in row 2, if not stated otherwise.
Column J: correct answers selected by
Column L: compiled unique list of participants by array formula (Shift-Control-Enter, curled brackets added by Excel itself, not by a user):
Column M: list of answers for the first question found (the first means position in a table):
Column N: list of answers for other questions, copied further to columns O:R
Column S: correct answer sought by a row number in column M. If the question wwas answered properly, question code will be displayed. The formula is copied to columns T:X.
Column Y: Winners and DQ. Array formula again:
Now AutoFilter can be applied.