So I have successfully made a ray the represents the mouse unprojected into the world, and now I need to check if that ray can intersect with a quad object, here is the code I use to get the ray:
public Ray GetMouseRay()
Vector2 mousePosition = new Vector2(cursor.getX(), cursor.getY());
Vector3 nearPoint = new Vector3(mousePosition, 0);
Vector3 farPoint = new Vector3(mousePosition, 1);
nearPoint = viewport.Unproject(nearPoint, projectionMatrix, viewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);
farPoint = viewport.Unproject(farPoint, projectionMatrix, viewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);
Vector3 direction = farPoint - nearPoint;
return new Ray(nearPoint, direction);
And similarly, this is my quad struct, which I use to draw a "cube world" in 3d space. public struct Quad { public Vector3 Origin; public Vector3 UpperLeft; public Vector3 LowerLeft; public Vector3 UpperRight; public Vector3 LowerRight; public Vector3 Normal; public Vector3 Up; public Vector3 Left;
public VertexPositionNormalTexture[] Vertices;
public int[] Indexes;
public short[] Indexes;
public Quad( Vector3 origin, Vector3 normal, Vector3 up,
float width, float height )
Vertices = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[4];
Indexes = new short[6];
Origin = origin;
Normal = normal;
Up = up;
// Calculate the quad corners
Left = Vector3.Cross( normal, Up );
Vector3 uppercenter = (Up * height / 2) + origin;
UpperLeft = uppercenter + (Left * width / 2);
UpperRight = uppercenter - (Left * width / 2);
LowerLeft = UpperLeft - (Up * height);
LowerRight = UpperRight - (Up * height);
private void FillVertices()
// Fill in texture coordinates to display full texture
// on quad
Vector2 textureUpperLeft = new Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f );
Vector2 textureUpperRight = new Vector2( 1.0f, 0.0f );
Vector2 textureLowerLeft = new Vector2( 0.0f, 1.0f );
Vector2 textureLowerRight = new Vector2( 1.0f, 1.0f );
// Provide a normal for each vertex
for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)
Vertices[i].Normal = Normal;
// Set the position and texture coordinate for each
// vertex
Vertices[0].Position = LowerLeft;
Vertices[0].TextureCoordinate = textureLowerLeft;
Vertices[1].Position = UpperLeft;
Vertices[1].TextureCoordinate = textureUpperLeft;
Vertices[2].Position = LowerRight;
Vertices[2].TextureCoordinate = textureLowerRight;
Vertices[3].Position = UpperRight;
Vertices[3].TextureCoordinate = textureUpperRight;
// Set the index buffer for each vertex, using
// clockwise winding
Indexes[0] = 0;
Indexes[1] = 1;
Indexes[2] = 2;
Indexes[3] = 2;
Indexes[4] = 1;
Indexes[5] = 3;
I found that the ray class has a method intersects() which takes a plane struct as a parameter, and the plane struct takes a normal and distance from origin in the constructor, but my planes have a position and normal instead of just distance from origin, so I can't convert them. How can I detect if my ray is intersecting my quad struct?
Edit: I realize that I can't use the plane struct, as it is not of finite size and does not include corners, as my quad does. I need to find a way now to detect if this ray is intersecting the quad I have created...
Thanks for reading, I realize this question is a bit lengthy, and thanks in advance.
I'm not sure exactly what they mean by "distance along the normal from the origin", but I would assume it just mean the distance from the origin. You can get that from the length property on a Vector3.
If that doesn't work, there is also a constructor for plane which takes three points on the plane:
public Plane (
Vector3 point1,
Vector3 point2,
Vector3 point3
You can use this with any 3 points on the plane, such as the corners of your quad, to create a plane.