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Clean couchdb and restart

What is command to clean CouchDB please ? And if I want to disable and re-start my CouchDB what is command?



  • CouchDB can be started/stopped/restarted from the /etc/init.d/couchdb or /etc/rc.d/couchdb startup script.

    (This startup script file might be located somewhere else on your system.)

    You would do something like this:

    1. To stop: /etc/init.d/couchdb stop
    2. To restart: /etc/init.d/couchdb restart

    As far as cleaning goes, I think you mean compaction. This is easiest to do via Futon, which is located here by default: http://localhost:5984/_utils

    Login to Futon as an admin, navigate to your database, and there will be links to compact the database.