I am using boost::thread_group
to create(using
) and dispatch threads. In order to limit
the max thread numbers, at the end of each thread, I remove the thread
from the thread_group
and delete the thread itself(so that I could
decide whether new threads need to be created). However it hangs
somewhere between the creation and deletion of the last thread (say the
999th one of 999 in total).
My questions are:
Below are the related code:
//1- code to create and dispatch thread
//mutex for map<thread_id, thread*> operations
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex_for_ptr);
// create a thread for this->f(duplicate_hashes)
boost::thread* p = m_thread_group.create_thread(boost::bind(
// save the <thread_id,thread pointer> map for later lookup & deletion
m_thread_ptrs.insert(make_pair(p->get_id(), p));
// log to console for debug
cout << "thread created: "
<< p->get_id() << ", "
<< m_thread_group.size() << ", " m_thread_ptrs.size() <<
//2- code of the thread execution
void f(list<map_iterator_type>& l)
//3- code to delete the thread itself
void remove_this_thread()
//mutex for map<thread_id, thread*> operations
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex_for_ptr);
boost::thread::id this_id(boost::this_thread::get_id());
map<boost::thread::id, boost::thread*>::iterator itr;
itr = (m_thread_ptrs.find(this_id));
if(m_thread_ptrs.end() != itr)
// remove it from the control of thread_group
// delete it
delete itr->second;
// remove from the map
// log to console for debug
cout << "thread erased: "
<< this_id << ", "
<< m_thread_group.size() << ", "
<< m_thread_ptrs.size() << "\n";
Why don't you try to recycle the threads, since creation/destruction is expensive?
Code a thread pool class and send tasks to it. The pool will either queue the tasks if it has no more available threads, create threads if current_threads < max_threads or just use what thread is available.
Suggested implementation:
Find out what your ideal thread count is. This is usually equal to the number of processors. Depending on how complicated you want this to be, you could create all the threads in the pool at once or add threads if current-thread-count < ideal-thread-count and all the existing threads are busy executing tasks.
Assuming that you are creating all your threads at once, you need to pass a worker function to each of the threads to execute. This worker function will wait for tasks to become available and then execute them. Because the function either executes a task or waits for it, it won't return and the thread won't be destroyed.
The thread pool can keep track of a task queue and manage a wait condition that indicates when there are tasks available in the queue. Each thread worker function waits on the wait condition and when there's a task available it wakes up and tries to do the task. You will have to do some synchronization; the easiest way would be to try and find an available thread pool implementation, like the one in Windows (Vista+ I think) or the one in QtConcurrent which would allow you to just pass the task, call run and let the OS/library worry about everything.
Later edit:
Check out http://threadpool.sourceforge.net/