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Business Objects Infoview - Export to Excel doesn't correctly autosize cell height

I have a large quantity of data from Remedy that I am using in a Business Objects InfoView/Webi report. The report is exported to Excel for distribution to department management.

I have all the formatting set up in InfoView so that nothing needs to be done in Excel before sending the report off to the powers that be. I have all the table cells set to autosize except one column, due to how long it can get (the notes field in Remedy, which is a blob data type). I do, however, have that set to autoheight.

When exporting to Excel, the autosize isn't quite right - it cuts the cell off by about two lines of text. What can I do to make this behave in the export?


  • I have found with business objects (I assume you mean version XI) that all excel formatted distributed reports lose their formatting during conversion. I have had the very same problem, both with sizing of a couple of fields and a calculation field of average that would not keep it's number format after the excel change. It became general again. I also researched this and found this link to the issue:

    That is to the guide.

    Here is the passage: The difference between Excel and Excel (Data only) is that Excel attempts to preserve the look and feel of your original report, while Excel (Data only) saves only the data, with each cell representing a field.

    I found on some other website that while it attempts to preserve it, some or all formatting may be lost.