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Google GA4 Report for Event with Event Parameter

Here is my GTM Configuration for an event.

enter image description here

Now I want create a report in GA4, were I can see in rows the values of popular_categories with event count for that value. How can I do that? I have already about 1000 clicks with Popular Categories Event. I can see it under Property Configuration -> Events. But in my report I can see only Popular Categories event count and not the event parameter values.


  • First, per GA4's event naming rules, I recommend changing your tag's event name from Popular Categories to popular_categories_link_click.

    Then, you'll need to create a custom dimension to start seeing data for your popular_categories event parameter.

    To create the custom dimension,

    1. Open your GA4 property.
    2. Mouse over the left-hand menu and click Admin.
    3. In the Property column, click Custom definitions.
    4. In the top-right corner, click the blue Create custom dimension button.
    5. For the Dimension name field, enter something like Popular categories title.
    6. For the Scope field, choose Event.
    7. Skip the Description field.
    8. For the Event parameter field, enter popular_categories.
    9. Wait 24-48 hours to start seeing data for this custom dimension in GA4.

    Custom dimensions are not retroactive, so you'll only be able to see popular_categories event parameter data from this point onward.

    To see this data, use a Report or Exploration with:

    • Popular categories title as a dimension.
    • Event count as a metric.