I'm trying to solve the "square anagram word pair" problem of project Euler (here) in Haskell, but I'm stucked...
The problem is the following (I shortened it):
- take one word, say "CARE" and one of its anagram, for example "RACE".
- replace each letter of "CARE" by a unique digit, for example C = 1, A = 2, R = 9 and E = 6. It happens to be 1296 and is a square number.
- replace the anagram's letters ("RACE") following the same substitution policy, it generates 9216 which also is a square number !
Given a list of words, what's the largest square number formed by any member of such a pair?
I managed to extract all the anagrams pairs from the file and I have them in a [(String,String)] form i.e [("CARE","RACE")..].
In the next step (map anasquare), and for each pair of words, I want to link the biggest square number that can be generated so it'd look like[(9216,"CARE","RACE")..].
Well, there is a trick (there must be !) to avoid the brute force approach but so far I didn't find it... Actually the problem isn't here, let's say I want to take the brute force approach and check every letter -> digit transformations. I just don't know how to do it in Haskell. Maybe I'm tired but I'm just dumbstruck in front of this. There must be a short an elegant yet not too obscure way to write it, someone has an idea ?
Here's what I do, I spare you the anagram searching and the file parsing functions:
-- Read the file -> store the content into a list -> work on that list -> print the output
result98 = do contents <- readFile ".\\resources\\98.txt"
putStrLn $ (process.words.format) contents
-- Find anagram pairs -> Find corresponding square number -> get the biggest one
process = toString . maximum . map anasquare . anagrams
where toString (a,b,c) = "Yay ! the result is " ++ show a
-- Generate the maximum square number possible, 0 when none exist
anasquare (x,y) = (anasquareValue,x,y)
where anasquareValue = 0 -- TODO
Though the mathematical insight is useful (especially on project euler), it didn't help me much on that one since I was missing some knowledge on the 'how to' part.
Without going too much into the details, one solution path would consist in transforming an anagram word ("CARE","RACE")
into a pair such as (1234,4213)
. Straightforward stuff. If a similar pattern is detected in the square number pairs, then there's a match.