I know there are multiple questions about creating dynamic arrays in C but they didn't really help me so let me ask in a different way.
My program needs to read in a variable number of command line arguments, each of variable length. This function takes the argv array passed into main and should return an array of char* containing only those arguments that are environment settings. (The program needs to replicate the UNIX env command.) Here is what I have now:
char** getEnvVariables(char* args[], int start) {
int i = start;
char** env_vars = (char **) malloc(1);
while (args[i]) {
printf("size of env_vars: %d\n", sizeof(env_vars));
if (isEnvironmentSetting(args[i])) {
printf("arg: %s\n", args[i]);
printf("size of arg: %d\n", sizeof(args[i]));
printf("new size of env_vars: %d\n", (sizeof(env_vars) + sizeof(args[i])));
env_vars = realloc(env_vars, (sizeof(env_vars) + sizeof(args[i])));
memcpy(env_vars, args[i], sizeof(args[i]));
return env_vars;
My idea was to create the array with malloc() and then use realloc() to allocate the space needed for each char* and memcpy() to add the new char* to the array. But the array isn't actually growing. At each iteration of the loop, it's size is 8 bytes. I'm still very new to C and the hands-on memory management so any help is appreciated.
You cannot copy the input C-strings to the output, unless you want to return a (char pointer) that points to all the strings concatenated together. To return an array of (char pointer) (or (char pointer pointer) ) you need to either malloc a new string and store the address of that in env_vars, or have env_vars store the address of args[i]. Here is an implementation of both approaches:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
bool isEnvironmentSetting(const char * string)
(void) string;
return true;
char** getEnvVariables1(char* args[], int start) {
int i = start;
int num_args = 0;
char** env_vars = NULL;
char *string = NULL;
printf("size of env_vars: %ld\n", num_args * sizeof(env_vars));
while (args[i]) {
if (isEnvironmentSetting(args[i])) {
printf("arg: %s\n", args[i]);
printf("size of arg: %ld\n", strlen(args[i]));
printf("new size of env_vars: %ld\n", num_args * sizeof(env_vars));
env_vars = realloc( env_vars, sizeof(env_vars) * num_args );
string = malloc(strlen(args[i]) + 1);
env_vars[num_args - 1] = string;
env_vars = realloc( env_vars, sizeof(env_vars) * (num_args + 1) );
env_vars[num_args] = NULL;
return env_vars;
char** getEnvVariables2(char* args[], int start) {
int i = start;
int num_args = 0;
char** env_vars = NULL;
printf("size of env_vars: %ld\n", num_args * sizeof(env_vars));
while (args[i]) {
if (isEnvironmentSetting(args[i])) {
printf("arg: %s\n", args[i]);
printf("size of arg: %ld\n", strlen(args[i]));
printf("new size of env_vars: %ld\n", num_args * sizeof(env_vars));
env_vars = realloc( env_vars, sizeof(env_vars) * num_args );
env_vars[num_args - 1] = args[i];
env_vars = realloc( env_vars, sizeof(env_vars) * (num_args + 1) );
env_vars[num_args] = NULL;
return env_vars;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
(void) argc;
char **envVars = getEnvVariables1(argv,1);
int i = 0;
while (envVars[i] != NULL)
printf("env var: %s\n",envVars[i]);
envVars = getEnvVariables2(argv,1);
i = 0;
while (envVars[i] != NULL)
printf("env var: %s\n",envVars[i]);