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Calling a sql server stored procedure with output parameter when using Simple.Data

Using Simple.Data, I would like to get the result from an output parameter in a stored procedure. Let's say I have the following SP (disregard the uselessness of it):

    @InParam int,
    @OutParam int OUTPUT
    SELECT @OutParam = @InParam * 10

When I call it with Simple.Data, I use the following code.

var db = Database.Open();

int outParam;
var result = db.TestProc(42, out outParam);

Console.WriteLine(outParam); // <-- == 0
Console.WriteLine(result.OutputValues["OutParam"]); // <-- == 420

It feels like outParam should contain the value, and not the OutputValues dictionary. So my question is: Is there a nicer way to get the result from OutParam in this particular case?


  • Unfortunately, out parameters are not supported by the dynamic binding infrastructure used by Simple.Data, as they are not supported in all CLR languages.

    I am open to suggestions for better syntax, though.