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Deterministic Finite Automata for {0,1} Every5-Two0


Define a DFA that accepts all strings over {0,1} such that every block of five consecutive positions contains at least two 0s. Please read the question carefully. Ask yourselves: Does this allow e (epsilon (empty string)) to be accepted? How about 0101? Such English descriptions are found in various books, and I want to make sure you know how to read and interpret.

Instructor Hint: "The "blocks of 5" DFA can be programmatically generated without much trouble. I did it both ways (by hand and programmatically). Because I'm good with Emacs and Keyboard Macros, I could do even the 'by hand' mechanically and quite fast. But programmatic is less error-prone and compact."

I'm drawing this thing out, and I think I'm doing it wrong, as it is getting out of control.

My sketch of the DFA before I make it in python: enter image description here

However, this isn't right, because index 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 constitute a block of five consecutive positions, so I need to account for at least two zeroes in that. Oh, great, and I have been thinking it needs two 1s, not two 0s. Am I going about this the entirely wrong way? Because the way I'm thinking, this is going to have a huge amount of states.

(goes back to drawing this large DFA)


  • If you want to do it the old school way:

    def check(s):
        buffer = s[:5]
        i = 5
        count0, count1 = 0, 0
        while i < len(s):
            if len(buffer) == 5:
                first = buffer[0]
                if first == '0':
                    count0 -= 1
                    count1 -= 1
                buffer = buffer[1:]
            buffer += s[i]
            if buffer[-1] == '0':
                count0 += 1
                count1 += 1
            if count0 < 2:
                return "REJECT"
            i += 1
        if buffer.count('0') >= 2:
            return "ACCEPT"
            return "REJECT"

    A slightly smarter way:

    def check(s):
        return all(ss.count('0')>=2 for ss in (s[i:i+5] for i in xrange(len(s)-4)))

    The verbose code of the above method:

    def check(s):
        subs = (s[i:i+5] for i in xrange(len(s)-4))
        for sub in subs:
            if sub.count('0') < 2:
                return "REJECT"
        return "ACCEPT"

    Haven't tested this code, but it should likely work. Your professor probably wants the third method.

    Hope this helps