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CakePHP: How can I read in controller the string value of a flash message if set?

I need to know this so I can append messages (flashes) if needed.

This way I can give the user the full feedback and avoid one flash being overwritten (in a redirect, for ex, where the last controller, usualy, can do that).

I read the documentation and I did't find any option to be given in setFlash() in order to require this appending.

I know there is a Session::read(), but I do not know what key to search for..

Thank you!


  • What you are looking for is:


    Message is the key that hold the session messages for the current user, be it flash messages or auth messages. A simple pr($this->Session->read()) will give you output similar to:

        ['Auth'] => array(
            ... your auth keys and values here
        ['Message'] => array(
            ['flash'] => ... your current flash message array (if any)
            ['auth'] => ... your current auth message array (if any)

    Although I am not sure why you are worried. When you do

    $this->Session->setFlash('your message');

    Even if you do have a redirect, the session message will persist and will display on the redirected page. You just need to make sure you are outputting the flash messages.