Is there an equivalent of the C++
function in VBA?
The only remotely similar functions seem to be the Ubound
and LBound
operators on arrays.
Dim arr(1 to 4) as integer
MsgBox Ubound(arr)
But this is not really the same thing as the C++ code:
int arr[10];
std::cout << sizeof(std::string) << "\t" << sizeof(arr);
The few pointer-related functions that can be used in VBA are at: No obvious equivalent of sizeof
For an array, you could potentially do something with VarPtr
if you temporarily made the array one item longer and then shrank it back to the desired size:
Sub foo()
Dim arr() As Integer
Dim i As Integer
ReDim arr(1 To 5)
arr(1) = 12
arr(2) = 456
arr(3) = -41
arr(4) = 17
Debug.Print VarPtr(arr(1)) & "; " & VarPtr(arr(5)) & "; " & VarPtr(arr(5)) - VarPtr(arr(1))
ReDim Preserve arr(1 To 4)
End Sub