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Is injecting a model into a service an anitipattern

Some services in my Robotlegs app require parameters. I'm wondering which solution is better:

  1. Mediators pass parameters to services
  2. Services aquire parameters from injected models


  • As Creynders suggested, it depends on the scope of these variables, if they are const, model, or user input.

    A great resource for me has been the ActionScript Developer's Guide to RobotLegs:

    This is my usual workflow:

    1. View dispatches a custom event and passes parameters to the event.
    2. Mediator listens to the Event and re-dispatches it.
    3. Context maps the event to a command.
    4. Command injects the event, any necessary models, and the service.
    5. Command calls the service, passing any necessary parameters. In the example below, I am passing a variable from the LoadLicenseEvent and from the ITokenModel to the service call. I use commandMap.detain() and commandMap.release() to keep the command alive until the service call is complete. The base class ServiceModuleCommand handles the fault event.

      public class LoadLicenseCommand extends ServiceModuleCommand
          public var event:LoadLicenseEvent;
          public var service:ILicenseService;
          public var tokenModel:ITokenModel;
          public var licenseModel:ILicenseModel;
          public override function execute():void
              var token:TokenVO = tokenModel.getToken();
              var asyncToken:AsyncToken = service.getLicense(token.Id,;
              asyncToken.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(resultHandler, faultHandler));
          private function resultHandler(e:ResultEvent):void
              var license:LicenseWebViewVO = e.result as LicenseWebViewVO;
              if (license)
                  licenseModel.license = license;
                  dispatchToModules(new RunWidgetEvent(WidgetType.getWidgetId(WidgetType.LICENSE)));