I'm try to put together a bare bones robotlegs-signals project but all the samples I've seen are flex ie
<context:SignalCafeContext contextView="{this}"/>
public class SignalCafeContext extends SignalContext
override public function startup():void
injector.mapSingleton.... etc etc
Is this possible to replace the mxml with another .as file - normally I would pass from the main class
context = new MyContext(this); // where this is DisplayObjectContainer
however super() takes no parameters in SignalContext so I might be missing something.
More Info:
What you're trying would work in the current RobotLegs v.1 release (v.1.5.2). Context and its subclass SignalContext take optional params. The first param is your context view:
contextView:DisplayObjectContainer = null
Here's the SignalContext
class extending Context
Note, Context in Robotlegs 2 does not take parameters (source).