I'm working on a Lotus Domino Web application and I have a view that should only show the current user's documents. I know this is not the best for the server because it has to keep calculating this, but it is a requirement...
This is the view selection formula that I'm using:
SELECT (Form="Atom Request" | Form="AtomRequest") & @Name([CN];RequestAuthor) = @Name([CN];@UserName)
The RequestAuthor field is a computed when composed field that captures the author name.
The view selection works fine for me, but other users are able to see other users documents in this view.
I'm probably overlooking something obvious....
Any suggestions?
I converted the view to be a categorized view - categorized by the AuthorName.
Then I embedded the view on the view template form setting it to display a single category.
The single category is the user name.
Seems to have done the trick..