I have a old sample of c programme that uses fftw to solve differential equations.
two lines of the programme which give error while compiling are:
creal(comp[i2+n_y*i1]) = c_zero + 1/15;
cimag(comp[i2+n_y*i1]) = 0.0;
Here, comp is a complex variable with creal, cimag being its real and imaginary parts. It is trying to assign value at some point(i2,i1).
which gives error
**error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment**
I had this problem earlier also and fix was to replace creal
with __creal__
or something, though I am not able to remember it. Can anyone tell me how can I get rid of the error? Any help will be appreciated.
To assign value to a complex number I did following which worked
__real__(comp[i1+n*i2]) = ...
__imag__(comp[i1+n*i2]) = ....