I'm trying to insert a variable mathematical operator into a if statement, an example of what I'm trying to achieve in parsing user-supplied mathematical expressions:
maths_operator = "=="
if "test" maths_operator "test":
print "match found"
maths_operator = "!="
if "test" maths_operator "test":
print "match found"
print "match not found"
obviously the above fails with SyntaxError: invalid syntax
. I've tried using exec and eval but neither work in an if statement, what options do I have to get around this?
Use the operator package together with a dictionary to look up the operators according to their text equivalents. All of these must be either unary or binary operators to work consistently.
import operator
ops = {'==' : operator.eq,
'!=' : operator.ne,
'<=' : operator.le,
'>=' : operator.ge,
'>' : operator.gt,
'<' : operator.lt}
maths_operator = "=="
if ops[maths_operator]("test", "test"):
print "match found"
maths_operator = "!="
if ops[maths_operator]("test", "test"):
print "match found"
print "match not found"