i Upgrade my old xampp (1.7.3) localhost server to 1.8.0 . now, not work smarty template engine (2.6.6) in my all page and i see Strict Standards
error. what's problem? how to fix this ?
NOTE : This Wroked Fine In Old Xampp(1.7.3).
Section of Error :
Strict Standards: Non-static method STemplate::assign() should not be called statically in C:\xampp\htdocs\tube\include\config.php on line 88
Strict Standards: Non-static method STemplate::create() should not be called statically in C:\xampp\htdocs\tube\libraries\mysmarty.class.php on line 42
Strict Standards: Non-static method STemplate::setCompileDir() should not be called statically in C:\xampp\htdocs\tube\include\config.php on line 181
Strict Standards: Non-static method STemplate::setTplDir() should not be called statically in C:\xampp\htdocs\tube\include\config.php on line 182
My Config Line Error :
STemplate::assign($field, $config[$field]); // line 88
STemplate::setCompileDir($config['basedir']."/temporary"); // line 181
STemplate::setTplDir($config['basedir']."/themes"); // line 182
my.Smarty.class.php (error line 2)
function assign($var, $value) {
global $Smarty;
if (!isset($Smarty)) {
STemplate::create(); // <---- line 42
$Smarty->assign($var, $value);
Thanks For Any Help :)
It's because you're using a modern version of PHP with strict standards
. You may be able to make the code work by making the declaration:
public static function assign($var, $value)
However judging by the other errors you'll run into many problems. You can try disabling strict standards but it'd be best to upgrade to a modern version of Smarty