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String Replace in Gimp Script Fu

I have a Gimp plugin that renames files and I needed a replace function. Unfortunately TinyScheme that Gimp uses does not have a replace function for strings. I searched a lot but couldn't find one that worked as a true string-replace. Answer to follow...


  • Here is the implementation that I created. Please feel free to let me know if there is a better solution.

    (define (string-replace strIn strReplace strReplaceWith)
                (curIndex 0)
                (replaceLen (string-length strReplace))
                (replaceWithLen (string-length strReplaceWith))
                (inLen (string-length strIn))
                (result strIn)
            ;loop through the main string searching for the substring
            (while (<= (+ curIndex replaceLen) inLen)
                ;check to see if the substring is a match
                (if (substring-equal? strReplace result curIndex (+ curIndex replaceLen))
                        ;create the result string
                        (set! result (string-append (substring result 0 curIndex) strReplaceWith (substring result (+ curIndex replaceLen) inLen)))
                        ;now set the current index to the end of the replacement. it will get incremented below so take 1 away so we don't miss anything
                        (set! curIndex (-(+ curIndex replaceWithLen) 1))
                        ;set new length for inLen so we can accurately grab what we need
                        (set! inLen (string-length result))
                (set! curIndex (+ curIndex 1))
           (string-append result "")